April 11, 2012

Jesus Makes Hearts Healthy

Image by Terawarner.com
Easter is an excellent time to engage children in a study of the difference between being sick and being healthy.  Children surely have experiences of themselves or others being sick or healthy in their bodies.  Easter is an ideal time to also reveal to them more personally how people can also be sick or healthy in their spirits.  Sin separates us from God and makes us spiritually sick.  Jesus heals us through his death and resurrection.  He takes away the sin, the sickness, so we can be healthy again!

Consider the ways your body can be sick.  What does it look like?
Consider the ways your body can be healthy.  What does it look like?

Consider the ways your heart (spiritual and emotional self) can be sick.  What does it look like?
Consider the ways your heart can be healthy.  What does it look like?

Next Time
How does Jesus heal us and others so that we are changed from having sick hearts to having healthy hearts?

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